Great Idea: Preparing for the Spring Busy Season

The winter months are a great time for landscape pros to work on their businesses instead of in their businesses, and this is true for owners as well as for every team member on the org chart. I want to be clear: even in a northern climate, we don't take the winter off. I know many of you reading this in the South.

Great Idea: Keep an Eye on Your Metrics

Welcome to GROW! Month, folks! GROW! 2025 in Columbus, OH is just 22 days away and we're so excited. Registrations are coming in, and this year's event is shaping up to be our best yet. At the same time, Grunder Landscaping is working on setting up 2025 and we're staying on top of our tasks and watching our metrics so.

Great Idea: Add Extra Potential Revenue to Every Proposal

At GROW! 2025, we'll tour Hidden Creek Landscaping and learn from their incredibly talented team. The team behind projects like this one: Emily and I were fortunate to get a preview of their sessions a couple of weeks ago when we did a practice run with their team. There will be so many great takeaways for teams and.

Great Idea: Show That You Are Who You Say You Are

I think every landscaper in America has probably encountered clients who are wary and distrustful of us from the get-go. There's something Marty often says when doing sales training, that people are "always looking for proof that you aren't who you say you are." We have to consistently prove who we are and earning.

Great Idea: What the Hidden Creek Landscaping Team Does Best

As a facilitator in our ACE Peer Group Program, I get to see up close landscaping companies across the country. I help owners work through the issues they're facing, and I also celebrate their successes alongside them. Through the program, I've gotten to know Jason Cromley, owner at Hidden Creek Landscaping, since he.

Great Idea: How One Landscaping Company Creates a Great Culture

The best landscaping companies I've seen in my 40 years in the industry all have something in common: they're super intentional in the decisions they make. The way intentionality takes shape varies from company to company, but successful companies aren't that way by accident or dumb luck. A company I admire for the.

Great Idea: The Greatest Hits of 2024

Our team puts together a lot of content each year in our quest to help landscape professionals like you with their businesses, and each year as we look back on it, all there are usually a few pieces that stand out as our favorites and yours. As we mark the final Sunday of 2024, I thought I'd share a short list of the.

Great Idea: Use the Quiet Week to Your Advantage

Every year this Great Idea ends up following a similar theme: this is the time of year to celebrate with the people we love, reflect back on the year behind us, and spend a little time unwinding before the calendar turns over. All four of my kids are grown and scattered around the country now, and with them rarely all.

Great Idea: Three Tools That Help Grunder Landscaping Sell

I have been selling landscaping for more than 40 years now, and I've found that the more things change the more they also stay the same. In many ways selling is much easier now than it was when I started out, in a time when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. I'm kidding, but we didn't have the technology that makes our.

Great Idea: Could You Sell a Pool in the Arctic Circle?

GROW! 2025 will feature Hidden Creek Landscaping as our tour host, and as part of the event we'll learn directly from their talented team, find out the ins-and-outs of how they operate, and also walk through their facility to understand how they set themselves up for success. Without a doubt, one of Hidden Creek.